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The elephant museum opens in Moscow Zoo

On March 18 in Moscow zoo will open its doors to the Museum of elephants. It features an exhibition devoted to the life of the huge animal. Here visitors will learn whether the Giants are afraid of mice, how to relate to the music, and why they move silently.

On the opening day of Muscovites would welcome TV presenter Paul's favorite. He will tell the first guests of the establishment of the habits of animals and their behavior in the wild and in captivity.

The new museum is very like the young residents of the capital. To them it was interesting to explore the huge mammals, zoo administration has invited professional artists who have created a model elephant trunk and teeth. They can be touched.

In addition, the exhibition provides information about the habitat of animals, physiology and anatomy of the giants, features, faced by the zoo staff in dealing with them, and more.

Currently in the Moscow zoo live three elephants - a male, a female and a small cub. The adults came to Russia back in 1985 from Vietnam. Note that all this time in the zoo were born only five elephants. Last was born in 2009.

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